Smart VDC & TCS Disable with Magical Burnout Mod

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Modern Nissan Z cars have a system built in so that when the vehicle is moving (and in gear) you cannot use the brake and throttle at the same time. The engine RPM's get cut and fall away. This means that if you're trying to do a standing burnout, such as tire warming at the drag strip, you can't. If you're running a turbo & want to brake boost, you can't. If you're a into drifting and want to use the brakes and throttle in a slide, you cant. Until now. This mod changes all of that. 

The existing methods in the scene involve cutting a wire on the ECU which is the "brake input" signal. But there's an issue with this. After a certain amount of time of seeing no brake signal, the ECU figures out something has to be wrong and throws a CEL, disabling the cruise control until this is cleared. 

You can also remove a fuse in the car, but this stops your brake lights and ABS from working which is a safety and legal issue on the road & also banned by many race tracks, so this too is far from ideal. 

This module allows you, at the push of a button to disable this lockout 'feature' as well as fully disable the Traction Control and Vehicle Dynamic Control features of the car whilst still keeping your ABS system fully functional.

The clever part is the module remembers if you disabled these features and will automatically disable them for you next time you start the car. Great if you're doing a track day and have a few sessions booked!

It doesn't trigger any check engine lights, ever, and doesn't interfere with any other features on the car.

Tools Required

  • Philips head screwdriver
  • Soldering iron & solder (Optional but recommended)
  • Wire Crimpers (Or pliers if not)
  • Mole Grips (Optional)
  • Electrical Insulation Tape
  • Small flat blade screwdriver
  • Small Cable ties (Optional)


1x Custom hand built module, complete with all required wires and a 3D printed enclosure

1x Scotch Loc Connector

1x LED Button

Fitting guide delivered digitally to your inbox once your order is dispatched!


Vehicle Compatibility

350z/G35 - All Model Years

  • Enthusiast, Performance, Touring, Track and GT Variants (models with Yaw sensor)
  • Manual Gearbox's Only

370z/G37 - All Model Years upto 2019

  • All Variants,
  • Manual Gearbox's Only

Non European & Non UK Customers, Please Note: Vehicles in your region were sold differently to the rest of the world. The 350z was available in 5 trim packages: '350Z' (Base), 'Enthusiast', 'Performance', 'Touring', and 'Track' editions. Only the Enthusiast and above have VDC (and therefore a Yaw sensor) which is important for fitting this module. Alternate wiring can be done to still allow you to perform standing burnouts if you don't have a Yaw sensor, but in this instance you must still use your OEM TCS disable button to disable Traction Control first.

The alternate wiring method is not required for any trim level above 'Enthusiast'.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have the Yaw sensor before purchase & no refunds will be issued if it later transpired that you don't have this. Its very easy to check for, simply lift the plastic around the gear shifter & look for a black box around the gear shifter.

As a reminder, this has no relevance to any European or UK market cars as these were all 'Track' spec & are fully compatible without alternate wiring.

If your vehicle is not a Z but rather a G35/37, the fitting guide will still work in terms of the electronic wiring guide. However the fitting guides were written with photos of a 350 & 370z so the interior plastics removal will be different & you must locate suitable guides for removing the necessary interior plastics.